If you simply want to know how what to buy and where so you can get to watching your Blu Ray today, head on down to the HOW TO PLAY BLU-RAYS ON YOUR MAC section and go from there.

In this article, I’ll share with you why Blu-Ray technology is different as well as highlight a few software and hardware offerings that are popular right now.

You’re set to listen to CDs or watch DVDs, but Apple passed on Blu-Ray technology, leaving you in the same Blu-Ray-less boat as the rest of us.) (This applies to your beloved iMac that comes with a built-in optical drive. All you need to play Blu-Ray discs on your Mac is a third-party Blu-Ray player software and an external Blu-Ray drive. Luckily, for us movie lovers, there is an easy workaround. One thing, however, the MacBook (Air and Pro), iMac, or the Mac Mini, cannot do is play Blu-Ray discs. I have done all of these with my MacBook Air and have been more than pleased with the outcome. You can edit photos, make professional-grade movies, form a one-person band, and stream online entertainment. There are tons of things your Mac can do besides office work.